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Join our events FOR THEM

SEPT. 07, 2019, 10AM - 2PM EDT
Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, 11210
Natasha R. Johnson, founder of GG, will attend the TEDxFlatbush 2019 as a speaker.
The TEDxFlatbush 2019 inaugural theme "MINDSHIFT", embraces that thinking through a carefully selected collection of talks designed to encourage a mindshift

Yoga at the Well
Every Sunday: AUG. 04, 2019, 1PM - 2PM EDT
Calabar Imports, Brooklyn, NY, 11216
Yoga at the Well: Sunday Series class offers everyone an opportunity to find their well and the source of their wellness. Our goal is to be a "healthy self" that can use yoga to "heal thy self" and practice with a purpose.
Your participation will support Anti-Female Genital Mutilation works in the US

About the Project
Artist: Natasha R. Johnson
The Blindspot Project is functioning as a tool that is facing toward social issues, especially Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C). This project is looking at putting in a face and voice to the issue of FGM/C in US and New York City.
The goal of this project is to increase awareness of this social issue and to have women's and girls' voices be heard, who are suffering from this harmful practice by doing personal interviews who have experienced FGM/C.
Interested in participation? Contact the artist!
Sound Bath
Sound Bath is created with victims and survivors' voices who had or have been experiencing FGM/C. This sound art is to cure people from trauma that they have experienced.
Artist Interview
Interviewed by Eileen NEwman from BronxNet
Host Eileen Newman visits Spaceworks NYC in the South Bronx, a space that serves as a creative home where local artists can expand their practices and grow their community initiatives.
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